I am among the first to admit my obsession with Lucille Ball and the 1950’s...yes the cars are cool, the diners retro, and the manners polite but the fashion was extremely polished and put-together. You would never find the likes of ripped fish-net stocking Kesha, or dress-so-short-you-can-prove-you’re-a girl Snookie. Living in the 1950’s America you would find in tact stockings, below-the-knee dresses, and trousers that actually are trousers and not super-low-rise-butt-hanging-out-jeans. The style was conservative and classy yet very exciting and fun. Take Lucille Ball in one of my favorites, “The Long Long Trailer” in the scene where her beloved trailer gets stuck in the mud in the middle of the woods at night and Lucy is wearing an ever-popular plaid/flannel shirt tucked into a pair of dark-rinse, belted cropped denim, with classic black flats; I adore this outfit and have ever since I first saw this movie in middle school. In tribute to this timeless look, I give to you Kate Spade New York’s “Tribecca” pants.

Picture Credit: http://g-lvl3.nordstromimage.com/imagegallery/store/product/Large/17/_6526277.jpg
Super edgy and oozing with classic 50’s style, these black pants sport gold zip pockets and a side-zip closure! The perfect fit is within reach with a polyester/wool/spandex material which will provide structure yet also forgiving. The only thing I would alter about this pair of sensational pants is the back pockets…from the back they look quite boring as one would expect their cousin’s cousin’s graduation to be. I would be delighted with gold zipped pockets on the rear like the front, and belt loops…so I suppose that is two things I would change about these pants. But overall, they are timeless and classic, pairing conservativeness with fashion…IT IS POSSIBLE!!
-The Fashion Butterfly